SFC Calls

Solar Certification Fund: 4th Call

The European Solar Certification Fund (SCF) has launched its fourth call for project proposals.

 Deadline: 17 December 2012

Available to download:

Full text of 4th call for proposals

The 4th SCF call asks for project proposals on specific subjects:

  1. Co-financing of the extension of IEA SHC Task 43 “Solar Rating and Certification” (with focus on global certification).
    Acronym: Task43ext
  2. Annual output indicator for solar water heater stores.
    Acronym: DHW-Store-Indicator
  3. Follow-up project on global certification conc. elaborating and implementing a Global Certification scheme for solar collectors
    Acronym: GlobCert II
  4. Harmonized Solar Keymark surveillance test procedure for EN 12975, -76 and -77 products. Improving Annex A2 to the scheme rules
    Acronym: SK-AnnexA2
  5. Harmonized Solar Keymark factory production control procedure for EN 12975, -76 and -77 products. Improving Annex E to the scheme rules
    Acronym: SK-AnnexE
  6. Quality assurance procedures to assure harmonised of boundary conditions for the long performance prediction for factory made systems and automatic implementation of the performance results in the Solar Keymark data sheets
    Acronym: SK-12976
  7. Elaboration of data sheet templates for custom built systems and components acc. to EN 12977 series
  8. Organisation and management plus co-financing of a Round Robin Test of a solar water heater store according to EN 12977-3 and performance predictions of a complete solar water heating system according to EN 12977-2. Evaluation of the results by an independent institution. If possible comparison of the results with the QAiST Round Robin Test results of the same system according to EN 12976.
    Acronym: RR-12977
  9. Phase I
    Elaboration of a benchmark test for system performance calculation tools
    Global review of existing performance prediction and system rating tools. One main aspect with regard to this review is the simplicity of the tool.
    Acronym: PerfPred-I
  10.  Elaboration of flexible scheme rules for inter-changeability of collector and system components components like e.g. insulation in collector, valve in system,
    Acronym: FlexCert
  11. Calculation of the uncertainty of the performance figures of solar collectors and factory made systems based on the results obtained by the QAiST round robin test
    Acronym: Uncert
  12. Liaison officers of TC 164, TC 128, TC 228 and TC 371
    Acronym: LiasTCxxx-12
    Note: xxx is the number of the corresponding TC
  13. Development of scheme rules for the certification of absorber coatings related to the upcoming EN12975-3-1
    Acronym: AbsCert
  14. Measures to harmonise the qualification requirements for inspectors and test labs
    Acronym: HarmReq
  15. Revision of specification for requirements for installers and user manuals in EN 12976 and EN 12977
    Acronym: InstReq
  16.  Preparing to meet the requirements of Ecodesign Energy Labelling with respect to testing.
  17.  Preliminary work program reflecting the mandates M480 (EPD) and M495 (Ecodesign) for discussion within TC312.
  18. Administration of SCF
    • administrative secretariat
    • technical secretary

Acronym: SCF-Sec12

Any other good and relevant ideas Acronym: to be determined by proposer

Note: Items 12 to 15 inclusive - priorities taken over from 3rd call.


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