Solar Keymark brochure:
The Solar Keymark Brochure is available in several languages:
• Portuguese 2017 version (PT)
• Macedonian 2017 version (MK)
• Chinese 2010 version (Mandarin CN)
SFC Calls
Solar Certification Fund: 1st call
The European Solar Certification Fund (SCF), founded by the Solar Keymark Network in 2010, has launched its first call for project proposals.
The 1st SCF call asked for project proposals in threedifferent categories:
- Open call for projects on specific subjects
- Open call for projects on subjects according to some given priorities
- Dedicated call for specific subjects
A and B are open for all proposers. C is dedicated to specified proposers or proposers fulfilling specific requirements.
A. Open call for projects on specific subjects
The specific subjects are:
- Make Solar Keymark available for ”Custom built systems Acronym: SK12977:
- Make proposal for specific Solar Keymark scheme rules including the EN 12977 series
- Present to Solar Keymark Network for approval
- Present to CEN Certification Board for approval.
- Develop ”solar friendly” alternative to ”EN 13203-3 Solar supported gas-fired domestic appliances producing hot water. …” Acronym: EN13203-3 solar
- Design and submission of an addition in the EN 13203-3, Solar supported gas-fired domestic appliances producing hot water, to introduce an alternative to the current system test of the combination of gas heater and solar thermal system. This alternative shall be in line with the latest proposals of Eco-design Lot 1.
- Literature study on Legionella Acronym: Legio2010:
- Gather ”all” information from existing studies and projects
and - Make conclusions with respect to influence of solar systems and pre-heat zones on the risk of Legionella - if possible
and/or - Define activities/projects which could be needed in order to make conclusions with respect to the influence of solar thermal systems and pre-heat zones on the risk of Legionella
- Gather ”all” information from existing studies and projects
- Elaborate proposal for harmonised check list for factory inspection related to factory made systems Acronym: Check 12976
B. Open call for projects on subjects according to some given priorities
The priority fields are:
- Improve specific Solar Keymark scheme rules (including annexes) - with respect to e.g. Acronym: SK Update 2010:
- Increased flexibility (e.g. exchange of ”subcomponents”)
- Easier to operate
- More precise/unambiguous
- Harmonisation
- . …
- CE-marking of collectors Acronym: CE 2010:
- Define - on European scale - criteria/requirements for structural loads (snow, wind); fire safety; weather tightness
- Make proposal for harmonised ”Annex ZA” for EN 12975
C. Dedicated call for projects for specific subjects/tasks
- Administration of SCF Acronym: AdminSFC2010 :
- Administrative secretariat
- Technical secretary
Dedicated to ESTIF secretariat and Solar Keymark Network secretary
- Global certification and ISO/EN harmonisation Acronym: GloboCert2010:
- Co-financing the IEA-SHC Task 43 European co-operating agent
Dedicated to IEA-SHC Task 43 European co-operating agent
- Adapt CEN Keymark database to Solar Keymark needs Acronym: SK_DB_CEN:
- Aim: Include ”all” Solar Keymark database features in the coming CEN database (make the Solar Keymark database superfluous)
Dedicated to CEN ”database department”
- Follow and influence the CEN/TC 164 (7 000 €) (Acronym: SK TC164:2010:
a. Aim: End up with well documented and balanced requirements respect to prevention of Legionella in hot water systems
Dedicated to CEN/TC 312’s liaison officer for CEN/TC 164
The First Call for proposals closed on14 January 2011
Solar Keymark products
Solar Keymark News
Solar Certification Fund: 12th call
Brussels, November 18th 2020 – The Solar Certification Fund (SCF) launched its 12th call for proposals to continue to provide regular and reliable support for: