Solar Keymark - Consultant's Page

  User | Manufacturer | Test Lab | Certifier | Public Auth. | Consultant | CEN/TC 312 |
The Solar Keymark
Test Labs
Certification bodies
Scheme Rules
CE-marking of collectors?
Keymark & OBL/OEM
Misuse of Solar Keymark
Equivalent materials
Solar Keymark Network
Solar Keymark II Project (2006-2007)
Solar Keymark I Project (2000-2003)

Why require the Solar Keymark

SOLAR KEYMARK - The Quality Label for Solar Thermal Products in Europe
The Solar Keymark is normally put as the requirement for obtaining subsidies from public authorities and for entering into regional/national/European public (and private) projects. This is because the Solar Keymark states conformity with the European standards, which means:
  • Reliable quality
  • Reliable performance information
Where to get Solar Keymark products:
Webmaster: ESTIF - the European Solar Thermal Industry Federation