EIE/ALTENER Project SolarKeymark-II

  User | Manufacturer | Test Lab | Certifier | Public Auth. | Consultant | CEN/TC 312 |
The Solar Keymark
Test Labs
Certification bodies
Scheme Rules
CE-marking of collectors?
Keymark & OBL/OEM
Misuse of Solar Keymark
Equivalent materials
Solar Keymark Network
Solar Keymark II Project (2006-2007)
Solar Keymark I Project (2000-2003)


Large open EU market for solar thermal products

Public area:
Final report

Public results/deliverables
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The project is supported by the European Commission, Intelligent Energy Europe. However the sole responsibility for the content of this webpage including the publications presented here lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Communities. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Webmaster: ESTIF - the European Solar Thermal Industry Federation