European Solar Thermal Industry Federation

solar keymark



A test performed according to the solar thermal EN standards can prove that a certain sample complies with the standards. The Solar Keymark certification scheme goes a step further: It ensures that the product available on the market complies with the standards as well. The Solar Keymark was developed by ESTIF in co-operation with CEN and with the support of the European Commission's ALTENER programme. It is recognised in most national support schemes for solar thermal in Europe. Our Solar Keymark brochure answers frequently asked questions

Benefits of the Solar Keymark      

Benefits to the manufacturer/trader - in one sentence: Reduces admin and testing costs! The Solar Keymark gives immediate access to most solar thermal support programmes in Europe. It saves time and money otherwise needed for re-testing or local certification.

Benefits to governments: Quality requirements in solar thermal support programmes and building regulations do not need to be newly developed. The Solar Keymark is an established certification mark, which can be used for this purpose.

The Solar Keymark certification process

The process starts by contacting one of the empowered certification bodies. To obtain the Solar Keymark for the first time:

  • Selection of test sample by a Test Laboratory inspector
  • Collector/System type test at Test Laboratory to EN 12975 or EN 12976
  • Inspection of manufacturing Quality Management System

To maintain the Solar Keymark for the product:

  • Annual check of manufacturing Quality Management System documentation
  • Every 2 years, physical inspection of Keymarked product selected from production or stock by Test Laboratory inspector


Solar Keymark brochure now available to download. 


 Please click here to download

Find more information, please visit the Solar Keymark website, where we also provide an up-to-date list of accredited test laboratories.

2025 © European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF)
Place du Champ de Mars 2 - B-1050 Brussels

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