The Solar Keymark Scheme Rules

How does the Certification process work?

Certification Process


How does it apply for OEM products?

Consider the two following situations:

  • Situation I: A distributor buys Solar Keymarked collectors from the manufacturer and sells the collectors under the original name ->
    As the collector still has the original name and type referred to in the Solar Keymark license, the distributors can of course use the existing Solar Keymark.


  • Situation II: A distributor buys Solar Keymarked collectors from the manufacturer and sells the collectors under his own name ->
    As the collector has a new name and type, it is not possible to link it to the original Solar Keymark license. A new Solar Keymark license with the new name/type must be obtained. No testing is required to obtain the OEM Solar Keymark license, only paper work and inspection/visit.



For details please contact the relevant certification body.

How to deal with changes in the collectors?

To make certification more flexible and to save costs without losing confidence, the Solar Keymark scheme foresees the possibility to replace materials used in the collector by other materials accepted as equivalents.

Such a list of equivalents is already available for absorber coatings. Similar lists for glazing and insulation are being considered.

Should such a change be required, the Certification Body must be consulted in advance.

List of equivalent materials

Lists of equivalent absorber coatings (on aluminium and copper).

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