SFC Calls

Solar Certification Fund: 7th call

Solar Certification Fund: 7th call for proposals


The 7th SCF call for project proposals is now open. It considers a number of priority issues that are detailed in the text of the call.


Several priority issues are related to energy labelling, namely the development of fundamental new approaches for solar thermal products (collectors and systems) concerning the revision of EU labelling regulations for space and water heaters (LOT 1 & LOT 2) in 2018; work on energy labelling of thermosiphon systems and forced circulation systems in the context of the ERP directive, work related to the further elaboration of a solar collector energy output label with regard to technical and legal issues and the use of the SK database for energy labelling. Apart from these other topics such as Global Certification on related to standards and certification of solar thermal products are covered.


A proposal may relate to more than one priority issue. Furthermore, other projects proposals, related to the support of certification and standardisation as well as the promotion and quality assurance for solar thermal technology, can be submitted.


Total available budget for this call is approx. 130 k€. The indicative budgets given in the table reflect the priorities given in advance by the SCF Steering Group – the final budget allocation will depend on the relevance and quality of the proposals submitted.


The deadline for submission of proposals is January 15 2016.


For more information, please download the full text of the call here.



Contact – Solar Keymark Network General Secretariat:

c/o ESTIF                                                                
Place du Champ de Mars 2         

B-1050 Brussels
Tel: ++32 2 318 40 60



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Jan Erik Nielsen 12.00

Development of scheme rules for the certification of absorber coatings related to the upcoming EN12975-3-1 Acronym: AbsCert

14*                                             Measures to harmonise the qualification requirements for inspectors and test labs Acronym: HarmReq

15*                                             Revision of specification for requirements for installers and user manuals in EN 12976 and EN 12977 Acronym: InstReq

16                                                Preparing to meet the requirements of Ecodesign Energy Labelling with respect to testing.

17                                                Preliminary work program reflecting the mandates M480 (EPD) and M495 (Ecodesign) for discussion within TC312.

18           Administration of SCF

administrative secretariat

technical secretary


Acronym: SCF-Sec12

Any other good and relevant ideas Acronym: to be determined by proposer


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