SCF Fourth Call - Deliverables





The assessment of solar water heater stores

Final report September 2013

Final report, 09/2013

D4-Final report describing the methodology for the assessment of solar water heater stores

Final report describing the methodology for the assessment of solar water heater stores


Harmonized format for data sheets

Harmonized format for system datasheet

Harmonized format for system datasheet

Harmonized format for storage datasheet

Harmonized format for storage datasheet

Harmonized format for controller datasheet

Harmonized format for controller datasheet


Measurement of uncertainty from the QAiST round robin test results

SCF-UNCERT-FINAL-2013-12 (2).docx

Final report, 12/2013

3P05524 - Overall measurement uncertainty from the QAiST round robin test results - 2013-12-12.pdf

Overall measurement uncertainty from the QAiST round robin test results


Liaison Officer to TC164

SCF LiasTC164-12 report - March 2014.pdf

Final report, 03/2014

Report TC164_WG2 Bonn 11-10-2013.pdf

Report in Bonn

Report ESTESC Berlin 28-11-2013.pdf

Report ESTESC in Berlin

Report TC312 Freiburg 26-09-2013.pdf

Report TC312 in Freiburg

Report SKNG Las Palmas 11-03-2014.pdf

Report SKNG in Las Palmas

4C12b    LiasTC228-12_vAConsult

Liaison Officer to TC228

SCF LiasTC228-12 report - March 2014.pdf

Final report, 03/2014

Report ESTESC TC228 and TC371 Berlin 28-11-2014.pdf

Report ESTESC TC228 and TC371 in Berlin

 Report TC312 Freiburg 26-09-2013.pdf

Report TC312 in Freiburg

Report SKNG Las Palmas 11-03-2014.pdf

Report at SKNG in Las Palmas

4C12c    LiasTC371-12_vAConsult

Liaison Officer to TC371

SCF LiasTC371-12 report - March 2014.pdf

Final report, 03/2014

Report ESTESC TC228 and TC371 Berlin 28-11-2014.pdf

Report ESTESC TC228 and TC371 in Berlin

Report TC312 Freiburg 26-09-2013.pdf

Report TC312 in Freiburg

Report SKNG Las Palmas 11-03-2014.pdf

Report at SKNG in Las Palmas


                                 Preliminary work on CEN Mandate 495 and 480

SCF CENmandate-12 report - March 2014.pdf

Final report, 03/2014

D1. Report for TC312 What needs to be revised and/or harmonized

Report for TC312: What needs to be revised and/or harmonized

D3. Tuning Report on CEN workshops to TC312 secretariat

Tuning Report on CEN workshops to TC312 secretariat


          Definition of classes and drafting info material to manufacturers related to EN ISO 9806

Classmate Final report March 2014.docx

Final report, 03/2014

D2 Final report, if possible containing a final draft of the above documen

Classmate final report

Solar Keymark products

Solar Keymark News