SCF Second Call - Deliverables




2C02a- Pcalc-SP

Revision for collector performance calculation tool for new collector designs such as PVT collectors

2C2A-D1.-ScenoCalc v3.10d.rar


2C2A-D2.-A_Tool_for_Standardised_Collector_performance_calculations SHC 2012 ver 120412.pdf

Tool for Standardised Collector performance calculations

2C2A-D2.-Description of ScenoCalc v3.10d.pdf

Description of Scenocalc (Solar Collector Energy Output Calculator), a program for calculation of annual solar collector energy output


Final Report, 08/2012

 2C02b- SK-LCMS-Demokritos

Procedures for the certification of performance of large custom-made solar thermal systems, with particular emphasis on the modelling tools

2C2B-D1-Scheme rules _SKN_N0106R19_.pdf

Specific Solar Keymark scheme rules to be presented to SKN


Draft of specific Solar Keymark scheme rules presented to ESTIF S&C WG

2C2B-D2-Modelling tools.pdf

Modelling tools for the prediction of

performance of large custom-made

solar thermal systems


Guidelines for the certification of

performance of large custom-made

solar thermal systems

2C2B-D4-Example of large system performance verification.pdf

“Example certification” of

performance of large custom-made

solar thermal systems

2C2B-SCF II-Final Report.pdf 

Final Report, 01/2013

Solar Keymark products

Solar Keymark News