
Presentations 2009 - 2011

QAiST project results: documents available to download





20. OTTI Symposium Thermische Solarenergie - Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein (Germany)

1 October 2009

Presentation of the project
(1) (2)


ISES Solar World Congress -Johannesburg (South Africa)

11-14 October 2009

Elaboration of performance test methods (Improving the compatibility between Steady state and Quasi Dynamic one testing for new collector designs)


Presentation at CEN TC 312 WG2/WG3 meeting - Vincennes (France)

9 november 2009

Discussion on ongoing revision of EN 12976


8. Solar Keymark Network meeting - Rapperswil (Switzerland)

15-16 March 2010

Extension of deadline for EN 12976-1 and -2 revision


CEN/TC 312 WG 2 „Vorgefertigte Anlagen“ - Germany

27 April 2010

Presentation on Factory Made Systems


Eurosun conference - Graz (Austria)

28 September/
1 October 2010

Description of Qaist work on collector standards and certification
(1) (2) (3)


ESTIF Standard & Certification Working Group meeting - Graz (Austria)

6 October 2010

Update on the status of WPs; Tasks on the running period


9. Solar Keymark Network meeting - Graz (Austria)

7-8 October 2010

Update on the status of WPs; Tasks on the running period


2nd International Conference - Solar Energy in Romania - Bucharest (Romania)

25 November 2010

Solar Thermal Markets
in Europe (1) (2); European Certification and Labelling; Solar Assisted District Heating; Solar Heating in Building Renovation or Retrofitting

ESTIF, ITW, PlanEnergi, AIT

ESTIF S&C Workshop - Brussels (Belgium)

2 December 2010

QAiST Work in progress (update on status of WP 2, 3, 4, 5) WP2: Solar thermal collectors; CE marking; WP2 and 6 - A status report

ESTIF, PlanEnergi, SP

National Mirror Committee of CEN TC 312 meeting - LNEG, Lisboa (Portugal)

2 February 2011

Presentation of the status of QAiST project mainly related to revision of Standards EN 12975 and EN 12976


Info-Day (IEE) - Porto (Portugal)

17 March 2011

Presentation of the project as an example of IEE projects


10. Solar Keymark Network meeting - Brussels (Belgium)

22-23 March 2011

Update on QAiST project
(1) (2) (3)


Solar workshop at the IRI (Industrial Research Institute) - Beirut (Lebanon)


Establishment of a test facility according to the european standard, TZSB training


21. OTTI Symposium Thermische Solarenergie - Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein (Germany)

9-11 May 2011

Presentation of QAiST project; Poster presentation about freezing problems on heat pipes


Freeze resistance test of heat pipe evacuated tube collectors: now a question of the heat transfer fluid used!


 Quasi-dynamische Vermessung von potentiellen Mitteltemperaturkollektoren (Quasi-dynamic measurement of potential medium-temperature collectors)


Experimentelle Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Hagelschlag auf Kunststoffabdeckungen von Solarkollektoren (Experimental investigation of the effects of hail on plastic covers for solar collectors)


Erste Betriebserfahrungen mit einem neuartigen Mitteltemperaturprüfstand für Kollektorprüfungen über 200 °C (Initial operating experience with a new means test for collector temperature above 200 ° C tests)

AIT, dp2

GENERA (Energy and Environment International Trade Fair) - 5th Solar Thermal congress organised by ASIT (Spanish ST industry Asociation) -  Madrid (Spain)

11 May 2011

Status of the different work packages and description of the EU standardisation activities
(1) (2)


ISES Solar World Congress - Kassel (Germany)

28 August /
2 September 2011

Presentation of the Round Robin test at the conference


Elaboration of performance test methods (Improving the accuracy in performance prediction for new collector designs)

SP, Dalarna University, ITW - TZS

Elaboration of performance test methods (Unglased Collector model validation)

Technical University of Denmark, SP, ÅF Infrastructure

Presentation of Collector Energy output calculations (A new tool for standardised Collector performance calculations)

Technical University of Denmark, SERC Dalarna University, SP

Presentation of the process towards a new global standard for solar thermal collectors


Discussion on ongoing revision of EN 12976 (Contributions to the revision of the standard)


11. Solar Keymark Network meeting - Paris (France)

5-6 October 2011

Freeze Resistance Test of Solar Thermal Collectors and QAiST work in progress
(1) (2)


Austria Solar WG Quality - Wels  (Austria)

10 November 2011

Presentation of the status of the project
(1) (2)


QAiST Industry Workshop - Warsaw (Poland)

14 December 2011

Information on Quality Assurance in Solar Thermal: Recent changes in the standards and outlook


12. Solar Keymark Network meeting - Berlin (Germany)

20-21 March 2012

(1) (2)


IEA-SHC TASK 43: Solar Rating and Certification Procedures (dissemination activity only) - Spain

29 April 2012

Subtask A: Roadmap of Collector Testing and Certification Issues


22. OTTI Symposium Thermische Solarenergie - Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein (Germany)

9-11 May 2012

Solar thermal and heat pump combi-systems; Function and yield controlling; Solar Cooling
(1) (2) (3)


Heat pipe performance before and after one year of exposure


European Rond Robin test on solar collectors and solar thermal systems

all test labs

Heat pipe limitation effects on the performance of solar thermal collectors with heat pipes


QAiST project results:
New areas for Quality Assurance
Supporting documents now available to download:



Target group(s)

Technical report on combined solar & heat pump systems with system overview and quality enquiries

Overview of the combined solar thermal and heat pump systems (TR5.1.1)

Evaluation and categorisation of solar thermal and heat pump systems (SHP systems).

Planners; installers; industry; test labs

Review of the testing and rating procedures for solar thermal and theat pump systems and components (TR5.1.2)

Analysis of relevant standards to assess their applicability for component and system testing of SHP products. The review covers three groups of available national and international standards and guidelines.

Planners; installers; industry; test labs

Definition of performance figures for solar and heat pump systems (TR5.1.3)

Defining a set of performance indicators and definition of the system boundaries and boundary conditions under which these indicators are determined in order to be able to compare different SHP systems among themselves, but also with other technologies for heating, cooling and domestic hot water (DHW) preparation.

Planners; installers; industry; test labs

Report on testing procedures for solar and heat pump systems (TR5.1.4)

Reporting on different performance test methods currently being developed, namely new component oriented testing procedure for SHP systems and testing procedure based on a test of the complete system at once.

Planners; installers; industry; test labs

Report on specially designed components for solar and heat pump systems (TR5.1.5)

Validation of a dynamic model for unglazed collectors including condensation.

Planners; installers; industry; test labs

Technical report on the status and requirements for successful implementation of  F&YC for large solar thermal systems

Collection and assessment of available function and yield control concepts and devices for large solar thermal systems (TR5.2.1)

Analysis of the state of the art regarding function and yield control for large solar thermal systems.

Planners; installers; industry; test labs

Recommendations for further needed activities in the field of function and yield control for large soalr thermal systems (TR5.2.2)

Analysis of the required framework conditions for a successful function and yield control for large solar thermal systems's technology development. Providing a set of recommendations to set a basis for a broader public discussion on the topic.

Planners; installers; industry; test labs

Technical report on the requirements for durability and performance test of solar cooling systems

Collated and updated list of solar cooling installations in participating countries (TR5.3.1)

Listing of solar thermal heating and cooling installations spread over the entire world, resulting from a QAIST survey and a previous Task 38 list.

Planners; installers; industry; test labs

Durability issues, maintenance and costs of solar cooling systems (TR5.3.2)

Detailed analysis of the outcome of the questionnaire on durability issues, maintenance and costs of solar cooling systems

Planners; installers; industry; test labs

Review on Testing Procedures and Quality Standards for Thermally Driven Chillers (TR5.3.3)

Review of relevant testing and performance evaluation standards for thermally driven chillers, covering national and international standards, namely standards for testing and rating of thermally driven chillers; standards for performance evaluation of chillers and systems, and; quality labelling schemes.

Planners; installers; industry; test labs

Assessment of the possibility of incorporating solar thermal cooling into EN 12977 series (TR5.3.4)

Analysis of the possibility to incorporate into EN12977 general and performance requirements for solar thermal cooling systems.

Planners; installers; industry; test labs

QAiST project results: Communication and Dissemination
Supporting documents now available to download:



Target group(s)

Information about quality assurance methods in solar thermal heating and cooling technology

Web sites references and screenshots (D6.1)

References to relevant websites on topics related to quality assurance in solar heating and cooling

Public authorities, stakeholders from CEE

Country reports (D6.2)




Reports with a summary analisys of the situation in different countries regarding topics such as: regulatory framework; public incentives, testing & certification,  obstacles and other information. Available country reports:

Planners; installers; industry; test labs

Presentations given at ESTIF workshops on standards and certification (D6.6)

Presentations done from 2009 until 2011 in workshops on standards and certification organised by ESTIF for its members, including updates on the work done in QAiST: revision of the standards, global certification, promotion and development of the Solar Keymark.


Presentations about the work in the QAiST project (D6.9)

Presentations done by QAiST partners in conference, symposia, meetings about the work being developed in the framework of the project. These can be presented in different forms: communications, abstracts, poster or other.

Experts on Solar Heating and Cooling

Comprehensive information about Solar Keymark available in CEE new member states

Solar thermal Quality factsheets (D6.5)

Factsheets providing information and answers on common quetions and doubts about quality assurance in solar thermal products. Includes topics such as: applicable standards, Solar Keymark, certifying a product, recognising a SK test lab and listing Certification Bodies.

Industry & test labs in EU NMS

Manual and guides related to quality assurance (D6.5)

Brochure explaing the Solar Keymark certification, Guide on use of the EN12975 (one for industry, one for test labs)

Industry, test labs, certification bodies & public authorities in EU NMS

Presentation at workshops for SEE and CEE countries (D6.4)

Presentations done in workshops targeting new EU member states, hel in Romania and Poland, covering topics such as: quality assurance in solar heating and cooling, Solar Keymark, recent changes in the standards and outlook, solar thermal markets in Europe, European and national policies promoting the development of the sector, latest developments of solar thermal technology, solar heating in building renovation or retrofitting, solar assisted district heating.

Industry, test labs, certification bodies & public authorities in EU NMS

QAiST project results: Quality Assurance in testing
Supporting documents now available to download:



Target group(s)

Improving the European Solar Keymark certification scheme

Working Rules for the SK Network

Finalised within the QAiST project, these working rules establish the procedures within the Solar Keymark Network, for its decision making processes, for its management and funding.

SK Network / CEN

Report describing the results of the Inter-Laboratory comparison  of solar thermal collectors and systems testing (round robin)

Proficiency Test QAiST testing of solar collectors and solar systems 2010-2011

This reports documents the proficiency test planned, carried out, assessed and documented on the basis of ISO/IEC 17043 “Conformity assessment - General
requirements for proficiency testing” [1] by IfEP GmbH.

test institutes;
public authorities


Solar Keymark products

Solar Keymark News