European Solar Thermal Industry Federation


Supporting the Development of a European Solar Thermal Technology Roadmap (SecESTTP)

In May 2006, the European Solar Thermal Technology Plattform (ESTTP) was officially launched. The platform's objective is the development of a Roadmap for Solar Thermal in Europe, addressing technological and non-technological issues.

The first step was to evolve a common Solar Thermal Vision for 2030.

 A Strategic Research Agenda has been developed identifying the type of R&D required for the vision to materialise

Documents in pdf format available for download:

  • Solar Heating and Cooling for a Sustainable Energy Future in Europe - a Strategic Research Agenda

    ESTTP_SRA Revised Version (pdf, 2.108 KB)

The SecESTTP project was set up to support the ESTTP in carrying out its work.

For further information: Please see the RHC-Platform website

steering committee

  • Signe Antvorskov
    Esbensen Consulting Engineers
  • Teun Bokhoven
    ZEN International bv
  • Lex Bosselaar
    Senter Novem
  • Manuel Collares Pereira
    Ao Sol Energias
    Renovaveis Lda
  • Nigel Cotton
    European Copper Institute
  • Jan-Olof Dalenbaeck
    Chalmers University of Technology
  • Patrick Davis
    Kingspan Renewables LTD
  • Harald Drück
    ITW, Institut für Thermodynamik und Wärmetechnik,
    Universität Stuttgart
  • Rebecca Harms, European Parliament (Greens/EFA)
  • Hans-Martin Henning
    Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme
  • Didier Mayer
    Armines/Ecole des Mines
    de Paris
  • Juan Manuel Mieres Royo
    Acciona Infrastructures
  • Anotnio Pflüger
    International Energy Agency (IEA)
  • Gerhard Stryi-Hipp
    Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE
  • Lambert van Nistelrooij
    European Parliament (EPP-ED)
  • Werner Weiss
  • Theodor Zillner
    Austrian Federal Ministry
    for Technology

The SecESTTP is supported by:

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