European Solar Thermal Industry Federation

Quality Assurance Testing

The work on quality assurance in testing was the focus of one of the work areas.

Strong contributions from QAiST partners led to the consolidation and enlargement of the Solar Keymark Network. A very relevant outcome of QAiST was the establishment and evaluation of the inter-laboratory comparison for collectors and systems (round-robin).



Target group(s)

Improving the European Solar Keymark certification scheme

Working Rules for the SK Network

Finalised within the QAiST project, these working rules establish the procedures within the Solar Keymark Network, for its decision making processes, for its management and funding.

SK Network / CEN

Report describing the results of the Inter-Laboratory comparison  of solar thermal collectors and systems testing (round robin)

Proficiency Test QAiST testing of solar collectors and solar systems 2010-2011

This reports documents the proficiency test planned, carried out, assessed and documented on the basis of ISO/IEC 17043 “Conformity assessment - General
requirements for proficiency testing” [1] by IfEP GmbH.

test institutes;
public authorities




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