European Solar Thermal Industry Federation

Solar Thermal Systems

Work on solar thermal systems was the focus of one of the work areas.

Several important results were achieved, such as the preparation of a revision of EN12976 and the development of the relevant work for Energy Labelling purposes, i.e. assessing the impact of the EU tapping cycles on the long term prediction calculation procedure and determination of a method for assessment of “hot water comfort” of factory-made systems. Document



Target group(s)

Establishment of a clear checklist for support of decision on verification of reliability requirements of Factory Made Systems/Custom Built Systems

Checklists for the reliability requirements of Factory Made Systems / Custom Built Systems (D3.1)

The document contains checklists for verification of requirements for Factory Made Systems and Custom Built Systems and for decision on applicable tests.

Test laboratories; certification bodies

Preparation of a Guide of procedures for Reliability tests of factory made systems

EN-12976 Guide for reliability test procedures of factory made solar thermal systems (D3.2)

This document intends to complement to the EN 12976 standard, focusing on parts 1 and 2 related to testing of solar thermal factory made systems. It is intended to support in the interpretation and application of the standard. The guide has been developed with two different target groups and objectives in mind: test laboratories, manufacturers and importers.

Test laboratories; certification bodies

Improved extrapolation procedure for the determination of the performance of factory made systems

Description and guidelines (D3.3)

Description of an extrapolation procedure for the determination of the performance of factory made systems, aiming at approval by the Solar Keymark Network and the CEN Certification Board.

Analysis of the system performance extrapolation based on a questionnaire to test labs performing system testing and system performance experience and the evaluation of the Inter-laboratory comparison (Round Robin).

SK Network; CEN; Experts; Industry

Proposal to convert test results to “EU reference tapping cycles” for factory made systems

Energy Labelling of factory made systems - Part 1  (D3.4)

Development of a procedure for the existing (CSTG and DST) test methods, into results valid for the “EU reference tapping cycles”, necessary for the future European Directive.

SK Network; CEN; Experts; Industry

Energy Labelling of factory made systems - Part 2: Annexes (D3.4)

Testing and manufactuer data and CSTG LTPP result validation by comparison R vs. TRNSYS

SK Network; CEN; Experts; Industry

Proposal to convert test results to “EU reference tapping cycles” for custom built systems

Energy Labelling of Custom Built Systems (D3.5)

This document explains how custom built systems are tested according to current standards, shows an investigation of application of transitional calculation method for conversion of existing test methods to the reference conditions given by the new regulation and suggests amendments to the current standard to implement the harmonised, energy labelling specific boundary conditions to procedures used for evaluation of custom built solar thermal systems.

SK Network; CEN; Experts; Industry

Proposal for determination of Hot Water Comfort of factory made systems & custom built systems

Methodology for the Assessment of the Hot Water Comfort of Factory Made Systems and Custom Built Systems

Proposal for definition of appropriate clarification on terms and methods for the assessment of the hot water comfort, considering that the term “hot water comfort” is already used, but not defined, in EN 12977.

SK Network; CEN; Experts; Industry


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