European Solar Thermal Industry Federation

JOINT POSITION PAPERS - Joint position papers on the Electrification of Heating and Cooling & the Primary Energy Factor

Date: 07 Jun 2017

Brussels, 08.05.17 – The European Biomass Association (AEBIOM), the European Geothermal Association (EGEC) and the European Solar Thermal Association (ESTIF), release joint position papers on the Electrification of Heating and Cooling & the Link Between the PEF and Eco-Design/Energy Labeling Regulations:

The Electrification of the Heating and Cooling Sector:

Energy consumption in the heating sector, including space heating, cooling, steam for industries, district heating and domestic hot water consumption (493 Mtoe), is about twice as large as electricity consumption (273 Mtoe) and transport (295 Mtoe).

Additional electrification of the heating and cooling and transport sectors should be done in a sensible way to promote the increased uptake of renewables, both RES-E and RES-H&C. In particular, this electrification process should not serve to lock-in existing and potential power generation capacity based on carbon-emitting or nuclear technologies.
Our energy system has to be considered as a whole, efficiently combining heating and cooling, transport and electricity, towards the design of smart energy grids and a decarbonised energy system.

Primary Energy Factor:

To design a decarbonised energy system, the role of the primary energy factor (PEF) is crucial. The revised PEF not only has an influence on energy efficiency targets and calculation of the energy performance of buildings (EPBD), but also and most importantly on the type of  heating products allowed to be sold on the EU market. A revised PEF of 2.0 is against the principle of “energy efficiency first” as it would allow low efficiency products to remain on the EU market.

Please consult the position papers below on:




Solar Thermal Markets
in Europe

Trends and Markets
Statistics 2015

(published November 2016)


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