European Solar Thermal Industry Federation

benefits of an ESTIF membership

Through its policies, the European Union is the major promoter of renewable energies in Europe. Approximately 70% of national legislation originates from EU laws – this is why it is vital to have a strong Solar Thermal Industry representation in Brussels.

ESTIF has actively participated in the development of the Directive on the promotion of the use of Energy from Renewable Sources (RES) thus ensuring a favourable legal framework for the Solar Thermal sector. With the recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), ESTIF’s objective is to boost the uptake of Solar Thermal in buildings.

ESTIF also supports the work of the national Solar Thermal associations to include Solar Thermal in the Renewable Energy National Action Plans.

ESTIF members benefit from:
  • Regular updates on EU legislative developments
  • Involvement in shaping European policies relevant to Solar Thermal
  • The opportunity to have their concerns raised with key EU policy-makers
  • A privileged access to a strong Solar Thermal network composed of manufacturers, test and research institutes and national Solar Thermal associations

ESTIF facilitates business-to-business contacts within the industry and stakeholders from the Solar Thermal sector. The annual ESTIF General Assembly  offers your company’s representatives excellent networking opportunities. In addition, workshops - exclusively for ESTIF members - are held on the day before the General Assembly and provide you with updates and first-hand information on key industry topics such as Standards and Certifications, Country reports, the implementation of the RES-Directive at national level ,etc.

ESTIF contributes also to Solar Thermal Research and Development and coordinates the Secretariat of the Renewable Heating and Cooling Platform (RHC-ETP).

ESTIF also ensures that  Solar Thermal is recognized as an important economic sector through various publications such as:

  • Market statistics
  • Potential Study
  • Solar Thermal Market Action Plan
ESTIF Members benefit from: 
  • Access to the “Members-only” area of the ESTIF website and important information
  • Presentations and minutes from Board Meetings and General Assemblies
  • Major publications on Solar Thermal 
  • Exclusive workshops on key industry topics

ESTIF is a powerful marketing tool and helps you raise your profile at European level. ESTIF's activities ensure that your organization gains greater visibility with high-level decision-makers.

ESTIF Members benefit from:
  • Company logo on the ESTIF website with your company contact details as well as a direct link to your company's homepage
  • Possibility to publish your press release on the ESTIF website
  • Inclusion of the ESTIF logo on your promotional material and website
  • Sponsorship opportunities at ESTIF events, with special rates for ESTIF members

Please click here to learn more about ESTIF membership and how to become a member.




2025 © European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF)
Place du Champ de Mars 2 - B-1050 Brussels

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