European Solar Thermal Industry Federation

ESTIF Members Intranet

Open processes (consultations and other)


ESTIF Members Consultation – Primary Energy Factor

The European Commission launched a consultation on the definition of the Primary Energy Factor. This factor indicates a reference value for the primary energy required per unit of final energy demand.

This calculation is relevant for different legislative pieces Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), Energy using products – Eco-design and Energy Labelling Directives (ED / EL), Energy performance of buildings Directive (EPBD).

We provide additional information on this process and the questions at stake in the following briefing (see also the annex).

We welcome your feedback until Friday, 1 July 2016.


NEW: Draft ESTIF contribution available - comments by 4th July at 12h00

To download click here .




New communication tools for ESTIF members

ESTIF is launching its new newsletter, called “Solar Heat News”, as well as the “Members Briefing Service”, replacing the popular “Policy Briefing”.

We have changed both tools taking into account the inputs received from our members.

Solar Heat News – by e-mail

Regular, short and simple. This was the motto. It includes similar sections as before, though it will be lighter and more regular. At this initial stage it will be published monthly. It will be available by email, including a summary of the articles, with the full articles available online. We want to make it easier and more appealing to get a quick overview of topics related to our sector and the work of ESTIF. In case you are interested in exploring a topic further, you can use the links or contacts that will be indicated in the articles.


Solar Heat News – online

New articles will be available online in the Members-Only section of the ESTIF website and later included in the next edition of the newsletter. This way, you can check regularly for updates on ESTIF or related activities. Please check the section "Solar Heat News"on the left side menu.


Members Briefing Service

We are also launching the revamped Policy Briefing, now called “Members Briefing Service”. In this briefing we provide links to relevant (external) pieces on topics ranging from solar heating and cooling to climate. It will now be more practical, as it will be fully available by email and provide also some insight on the main topics.


Subscribe / Unsubscribe

We will make both the Newsletter and the Briefing available to all members. In case you are not interested, you can unsubscribe using the indication at the bottom of the e-mail. For subscriptions, available only to ESTIF members, you can write to news(at) .


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For immediate assistance,
please call: +32 2 546 1938

Solar Thermal Markets  in Europe

Trends and Markets Statistics 2015


(published in November 2016)

2025 © European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF)
Place du Champ de Mars 2 - B-1050 Brussels

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